Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Spain
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Zhang W.Jiang S.Narayanasamy S.Sair B.Calder Y.Zhu H.Chen R.L.Graham C.Cheng J.Weinberg A.Jagatheesan A.Ding M.Faerman
Talks about:
use (2) synthesi (1) gridflow (1) descript (1) communic (1) schedul (1) converg (1) system (1) string (1) orient (1)
Person: Yuanfang Hu
DBLP: Hu:Yuanfang
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DAC-2006-HuZCGC #communication #latency #power management #synthesis
- Communication latency aware low power NoC synthesis (YH, YZ, HC, RLG, CKC), pp. 574–579.
- HPCA-2004-NarayanasamyHSC #convergence #string #using
- Creating Converged Trace Schedules Using String Matching (SN, YH, SS, BC), pp. 210–221.
- HPDC-2004-WeinbergJDFH #execution #matrix #query #using
- Gridflow Description, Query, and Execution at SCEC using the SDSC Matrix (JW, AJ, AD, MF, YH), pp. 262–263.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1999-HuZJ #object-oriented
- Applying Object-Oriented Method to CSIE System (YH, SZ, WJ), pp. 484–491.