Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Tanaka S.Kaneko
Talks about:
vibrat (2) model (2) adapt (2) base (2) vibratori (1) interfac (1) percept (1) correct (1) tactil (1) stimul (1)
Person: Yuki Mori
DBLP: Mori:Yuki
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- HIMI-D-2013-MoriTK #adaptation
- Correction Method Based on KI-VPA Model for Changes in Vibratory Perception Caused by Adaptation (YM, TT, SK), pp. 107–116.
- HIMI-v1-2011-MoriTK #adaptation #design #interface
- Design of Vibration Alert Interface Based on Tactile Adaptation Model to Vibration Stimulation (YM, TT, SK), pp. 462–469.