4 papers:
MSR-2014-CampbellHA #fault #modelling #syntax- Syntax errors just aren’t natural: improving error reporting with language models (JCC, AH, JNA), pp. 252–261.
CSEET-2007-WilliamsL #question #why- Lab Partners: If They’re Good Enough for the Natural Sciences, Why Aren’t They Good Enough for Us? (LW, LL), pp. 72–82.
RE-2005-BerryDFGHW #question #requirements #why- To do or not to do: If the requirements engineering payoff is so good, why aren’t more companies doing it? (DMB, DD, AF, DCG, RH, AW), p. 447.
ICRE-1996-DeMarco #question #requirements #why- Requirements Engineering: Why Aren’t We Better at It? (TD), pp. 2–3.