17 papers:
ECIR-2015-JungL #approach #predict- A Discriminative Approach to Predicting Assessor Accuracy (HJJ, ML), pp. 159–171.
SIGIR-2015-MegorskayaKS #assessment #on the- On the Relation Between Assessor’s Agreement and Accuracy in Gamified Relevance Assessment (OM, VK, PS), pp. 605–614.
SIGIR-2015-WangSLE #difference #generative #timeline #twitter- Assessor Differences and User Preferences in Tweet Timeline Generation (YW, GS, JL, ME), pp. 615–624.
CIKM-2013-KazaiYCT #evaluation #web- User intent and assessor disagreement in web search evaluation (GK, EY, NC, SMMT), pp. 699–708.
SIGIR-2013-ChandarWC #documentation #predict- Document features predicting assessor disagreement (PC, WW, BC), pp. 745–748.
SIGIR-2013-WebberP #classification- Assessor disagreement and text classifier accuracy (WW, JP), pp. 929–932.
SEFM-2012-AyraultBDP #analysis #dependence #ml- ML Dependency Analysis for Assessors (PA, VB, CD, FP), pp. 278–292.
CIKM-2012-WebberCC #retrieval- Alternative assessor disagreement and retrieval depth (WW, PC, BC), pp. 125–134.
SIGIR-2012-MetrikovPA #performance #ranking- Impact of assessor disagreement on ranking performance (PM, VP, JAA), pp. 1091–1092.
SIGIR-2012-SmuckerJ #fault- Time to judge relevance as an indicator of assessor error (MDS, CPJ), pp. 1153–1154.
SIGIR-2012-WebberTD- Effect of written instructions on assessor agreement (WW, BT, MD), pp. 1053–1054.
SIGIR-2011-SmuckerJ #case study #comparison- Measuring assessor accuracy: a comparison of nist assessors and user study participants (MDS, CPJ), pp. 1231–1232.
CIKM-2010-WebberOSH #evaluation #fault- Assessor error in stratified evaluation (WW, DWO, FS, BH), pp. 539–548.
SIGIR-2010-CarteretteS #evaluation #fault #information retrieval- The effect of assessor error on IR system evaluation (BC, IS), pp. 539–546.
SIGIR-2008-Al-MaskariSC- Relevance judgments between TREC and Non-TREC assessors (AAM, MS, PDC), pp. 683–684.
SIGIR-2007-RuthvenABBNSY #consistency- Intra-assessor consistency in question answering (IR, LA, MB, RB, EN, SOS, MY), pp. 727–728.
SIGIR-2006-BaillieR- Examining assessor attributes at HARD 2005 (MB, IR), pp. 609–610.