15 papers:
SIGIR-2015-Belkin #people- Salton Award Lecture: People, Interacting with Information (NJB), pp. 1–2.
ICPC-2012-RajlichW #comprehension #concept- A retrospective view on: The role of concepts in program comprehension: (MIP award) (VR, NW), pp. 12–13.
SIGIR-2012-Fuhr #information retrieval- Salton award lecture: information retrieval as engineering science (NF), pp. 1–2.
POPL-2012-BlackO #hoare #perspective- Presentation of the SIGPLAN distinguished achievement award to Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare, FRS, FREng, FBCS; and interview (APB, PWO), pp. 1–2.
SIGIR-2011-YangYD #analysis #network #predict- Award prediction with temporal citation network analysis (ZY, DY, BDD), pp. 1203–1204.
FSE-2010-Johnson10a #research- Avoiding the classic catastrophic computer science failure mode: 2010 acm sigsoft outstanding research award talk (REJ), pp. 5–6.
ESEC-FSE-2009-Zeller #debugging- Debugging debugging: acm sigsoft impact paper award keynote (AZ), pp. 263–264.
OSDI-2006-ChangDGHWBCFG #distributed #exclamation #named- Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data (Awarded Best Paper!) (FC, JD, SG, WCH, DAW, MB, TC, AF, RG), pp. 205–218.
OSDI-2006-NightingaleVCF #exclamation- Rethink the Sync (Awarded Best Paper!) (EBN, KV, PMC, JF), pp. 1–14.
OSDI-2004-SwiftABL #exclamation- Recovering Device Drivers (Awarded Best Paper!) (MMS, MA, BNB, HML), pp. 1–16.
OSDI-2004-YangTEM #exclamation #fault #file system #model checking #using- Using Model Checking to Find Serious File System Errors (Awarded Best Paper!) (JY, PT, DRE, MM), pp. 273–288.
SIGIR-2003-Croft #evolution #information retrieval- Salton Award Lecture — Information retrieval and computer science: an evolving relationship (WBC), pp. 2–3.
VLDB-2000-CeriCW #constraints- Practical Applications of Triggers and Constraints: Success and Lingering Issues (10-Year Award) (SC, RC, JW), pp. 254–262.
SIGIR-2000-Robertson #information retrieval- Salton Award Lecture: On theoretical argument in information retrieval (SER), p. 1.
CSEET-1998-Carver- IEEE Fellow Award Recipient (DLC), pp. 88–89.