54 papers:
STOC-2015-Barman #approximate #nash #theorem- Approximating Nash Equilibria and Dense Bipartite Subgraphs via an Approximate Version of Caratheodory’s Theorem (SB), pp. 361–369.
ICALP-v1-2015-BernsteinS #graph- Fully Dynamic Matching in Bipartite Graphs (AB, CS), pp. 167–179.
ICALP-v1-2015-WangW #algorithm #online- Two-sided Online Bipartite Matching and Vertex Cover: Beating the Greedy Algorithm (YW, SCwW), pp. 1070–1081.
ICML-2015-LiuY #graph #learning #predict- Bipartite Edge Prediction via Transductive Learning over Product Graphs (HL, YY), pp. 1880–1888.
MLDM-2015-FerrerSR #approximate #distance #edit distance #graph #heuristic #learning- Learning Heuristics to Reduce the Overestimation of Bipartite Graph Edit Distance Approximation (MF, FS, KR), pp. 17–31.
STOC-2014-AgarwalS #algorithm #approximate #geometry #metric- Approximation algorithms for bipartite matching with metric and geometric costs (PKA, RS), pp. 555–564.
ICML-c2-2014-ClemenconR #ranking- Anomaly Ranking as Supervised Bipartite Ranking (SC, SR), pp. 343–351.
SAC-2014-RossiLR #algorithm #classification #network #using- A parameter-free label propagation algorithm using bipartite heterogeneous networks for text classification (RGR, AAL, SOR), pp. 79–84.
SAC-2013-SrivastavaSM #clustering #graph #using- Text clustering using one-mode projection of document-word bipartite graphs (AS, AJS, EEM), pp. 927–932.
STOC-2012-SharathkumarA #algorithm #approximate #geometry- A near-linear time ε-approximation algorithm for geometric bipartite matching (RS, PKA), pp. 385–394.
KDD-2012-FengHKBP #graph #mining- Summarization-based mining bipartite graphs (JF, XH, BK, CB, CP), pp. 1249–1257.
STOC-2011-KarandeMT #online- Online bipartite matching with unknown distributions (CK, AM, PT), pp. 587–596.
STOC-2011-MahdianY #approach #online #random- Online bipartite matching with random arrivals: an approach based on strongly factor-revealing LPs (MM, QY), pp. 597–606.
DLT-2011-RodaroS #automaton #problem- Never Minimal Automata and the Rainbow Bipartite Subgraph Problem (ER, PVS), pp. 374–385.
ICML-2011-KotlowskiDH #ranking- Bipartite Ranking through Minimization of Univariate Loss (WK, KD, EH), pp. 1113–1120.
ICML-2011-RobbianoC #learning #plugin #ranking- Minimax Learning Rates for Bipartite Ranking and Plug-in Rules (SR, SC), pp. 441–448.
SIGIR-2011-TangLWWL #ambiguity #graph #network #social- A bipartite graph based social network splicing method for person name disambiguation (JT, QL, TW, JW, WL), pp. 1233–1234.
SIGMOD-2010-TaoSL #graph- Finding maximum degrees in hidden bipartite graphs (YT, CS, JL), pp. 891–902.
STOC-2010-GoelKK #graph- Perfect matchings in o(n log n) time in regular bipartite graphs (AG, MK, SK), pp. 39–46.
ICPR-2010-ChowdhuryCGR #graph #using #video- Cell Tracking in Video Microscopy Using Bipartite Graph Matching (ASC, RC, MG, NR), pp. 2456–2459.
HT-2009-Murata #network- Modularities for bipartite networks (TM), pp. 245–250.
ICALP-v2-2009-AzarMMPS #adaptation #network- Maximum Bipartite Flow in Networks with Adaptive Channel Width (YA, AM, TM, DP, AS), pp. 351–362.
HCI-NIMT-2009-ItoMT #3d #graph #visualisation- Sphere Anchored Map: A Visualization Technique for Bipartite Graphs in 3D (TI, KM, JT), pp. 811–820.
KDD-2009-DengLK #algorithm #graph- A generalized Co-HITS algorithm and its application to bipartite graphs (HD, MRL, IK), pp. 239–248.
VLDB-2008-CormodeSYZ #graph #using- Anonymizing bipartite graph data using safe groupings (GC, DS, TY, QZ), pp. 833–844.
ICPR-2008-GuimaraesPP #approach #detection #difference #distance #graph #using #video- An approach for video cut detection using bipartite graph matching as dissimilarity distance (SJFG, ZKGdPJ, HBdP), pp. 1–4.
SIGIR-2008-AminiTG #algorithm #learning #ranking- A boosting algorithm for learning bipartite ranking functions with partially labeled data (MRA, TVT, CG), pp. 99–106.
DAC-2007-YuYBY #clustering #network #recursion- Program Mapping onto Network Processors by Recursive Bipartitioning and Refining (JY, JY, LNB, JY), pp. 805–810.
HCI-IPT-2007-Misue #graph #visualisation- Anchored Maps: Visualization Techniques for Drawing Bipartite Graphs (KM), pp. 106–114.
ICALP-v1-2006-HoangMT #on the #problem- On the Bipartite Unique Perfect Matching Problem (TMH, MM, TT), pp. 453–464.
ICALP-v1-2006-Sankowski #matrix #multi- Weighted Bipartite Matching in Matrix Multiplication Time (PS), pp. 274–285.
KDD-2006-YooHS #clustering #graph #integration #refinement #representation #semantics- Integration of semantic-based bipartite graph representation and mutual refinement strategy for biomedical literature clustering (IY, XH, IYS), pp. 791–796.
KDD-2005-GaoLZCM #clustering #consistency #graph #higher-order #semistructured data- Consistent bipartite graph co-partitioning for star-structured high-order heterogeneous data co-clustering (BG, TYL, XZ, QC, WYM), pp. 41–50.
MLDM-2005-FerrandizB #graph #multi #recursion- Multivariate Discretization by Recursive Supervised Bipartition of Graph (SF, MB), pp. 253–264.
STOC-2004-CorreaG #approximate #graph #theorem- An approximate König’s theorem for edge-coloring weighted bipartite graphs (JRC, MXG), pp. 398–406.
ICML-2004-FernB #clustering #graph #problem- Solving cluster ensemble problems by bipartite graph partitioning (XZF, CEB).
DAC-2002-MadesG #graph #modelling #using- Regularization of hierarchical VHDL-AMS models using bipartite graphs (JM, MG), pp. 548–551.
ICALP-2002-Uehara #algorithm #graph #linear- Linear Time Algorithms on Chordal Bipartite and Strongly Chordal Graphs (RU), pp. 993–1004.
ICGT-2002-HageHW #graph- Euler Graphs, Triangle-Free Graphs and Bipartite Graphs in Switching Classes (JH, TH, EW), pp. 148–160.
SIGIR-2002-ZhaJ #correlation #documentation #graph #modelling #multi- Correlating multilingual documents via bipartite graph modeling (HZ, XJ), pp. 443–444.
CIKM-2001-ZhaHDGS #clustering #graph- Bipartite Graph Partitioning and Data Clustering (HZ, XH, CHQD, MG, HDS), pp. 25–32.
KDD-2001-Dhillon #clustering #documentation #graph #using #word- Co-clustering documents and words using bipartite spectral graph partitioning (ISD), pp. 269–274.
STOC-2000-MahajanV #graph- A new NC-algorithm for finding a perfect matching in bipartite planar and small genus graphs (extended abstract) (MM, KRV), pp. 351–357.
STOC-1998-GoldreichR #graph #sublinear- A Sublinear Bipartiteness Tester for Bunded Degree Graphs (OG, DR), pp. 289–298.
STOC-1998-KargerL #graph- Finding Maximum Flows in Undirected Graphs Seems Easier than Bipartite Matching (DRK, MSL), pp. 69–78.
ICALP-1997-Bar-NoyK #graph- The Minimum Color Sum of Bipartite Graphs (ABN, GK), pp. 738–748.
ICALP-1997-KaklamanisPEJ- Constrained Bipartite Edge Coloring with Applications to Wavelength Routing (CK, PP, TE, KJ), pp. 493–504.
STOC-1996-BabaiGKRSW #bound #graph #source code- Extremal Bipartite Graphs and Superpolynomial Lower Bounds for Monotone Span Programs (LB, AG, JK, LR, TS, AW), pp. 603–611.
ICALP-1991-KhullerMV #algorithm #online- On-Line Algorithms for Weighted Bipartite Matching and Stable Marriages (SK, SGM, VVV), pp. 728–738.
DAC-1990-HuangCLH- Data Path Allocation Based on Bipartite Weighted Matching (CYH, YSC, YLL, YCH), pp. 499–504.
STOC-1990-KarpVV #algorithm #online- An Optimal Algorithm for On-line Bipartite Matching (RMK, UVV, VVV), pp. 352–358.
STOC-1988-GabowT #algorithm #problem- Almost-Optimum Speed-ups of Algorithms for Bipartite Matching and Related Problems (HNG, RET), pp. 514–527.
DAC-1982-EganL- Optimal bipartite folding of PLA (JRE, CLL), pp. 141–146.
STOC-1978-GabowK #algorithm #graph- Algorithms for Edge Coloring Bipartite Graphs (HNG, OK), pp. 184–192.