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10 papers:

LOPSTRLOPSTR-2011-HidakaHIKMNS #graph transformation #optimisation
Marker-Directed Optimization of UnCAL Graph Transformations (SH, ZH, KI, HK, KM, KN, IS), pp. 123–138.
CAVCAV-2009-JoshiNPS #concurrent #framework #named #source code #testing
CalFuzzer: An Extensible Active Testing Framework for Concurrent Programs (PJ, MN, CSP, KS), pp. 675–681.
TAPTAP-2009-AyraultHP #development
Development of a Generic Voter under FoCal (PA, TH, FP), pp. 10–26.
BXBX-2008-Hidaka1 #bidirectional #graph transformation #using
Bidirectional Graph Transformation using UnCAL (SH), p. 43.
Inverse Computation for UnCAL (SCM), p. 44.
ECOOPECOOP-2008-ZhangJ #concurrent #java
Externalizing Java Server Concurrency with CAL (CZ, HAJ), pp. 362–386.
DATEDATE-2007-ZhangOSFKB #analysis #approach #named #parametricity #process
CMCal: an accurate analytical approach for the analysis of process variations with non-gaussian parameters and nonlinear functions (MZ, MO, DS, MF, HK, EB), pp. 243–248.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-TurnbullBTL #semantics #set #towards #using
Towards musical query-by-semantic-description using the CAL500 data set (DT, LB, DAT, GRGL), pp. 439–446.
ICSEICSE-2001-WohlstadterJD #generative #source code
Generating Wrappers for Command Line Programs: The Cal-Aggie Wrap-O-Matic Project (EW, SJ, PTD), pp. 243–252.
HCIHCI-SEC-1997-Johannesson #distance #workflow
Action Workflow Loops in Distance Education-Design Principles for Integrating CAL and CMC (PJ), pp. 185–188.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.