6 papers:
CHI-2015-YerousisARRRW #bound- Computer-Enabled Project Spaces: Connecting with Palestinian Refugees across Camp Boundaries (GPY, KA, TvR, DWR, MR, VW), pp. 3749–3758.
HPCA-2009-PowellBEMSY #named #parametricity #runtime #using- CAMP: A technique to estimate per-structure power at run-time using a few simple parameters (MDP, AB, JSE, SSM, BRS, SMY), pp. 289–300.
CSEET-2007-RootRT #concept #re-engineering- Key Software Engineering Concepts for Project Success: The Use of “Boot Camp” to Establish Successful Software Projects (DR, MRL, GT), pp. 203–210.
ITiCSE-2007-CannonPP #student- Second annual robotics summer camp for underrepresented students (KRC, KAP, NPP), pp. 14–18.
ITiCSE-2007-DoerschukLM #assessment #women- Pilot summer camps in computing for middle school girls: from organization through assessment (PID, JL, JM), pp. 4–8.
HT-1998-Leggett #hypermedia- Camping on Banks of the Hypermedia Literature: Waiting for (a Hyperliterate) Civilization to Arrive (JJL), p. 305.