16 papers:
CHI-2015-MeutznerGK #difference- Constructing Secure Audio CAPTCHAs by Exploiting Differences between Humans and Machines (HM, SG, DK), pp. 2335–2338.
CHI-2014-BurszteinMFBMJ- Easy does it: more usable CAPTCHAs (EB, AM, CF, SB, JCM, DJ), pp. 2637–2646.
ICPR-2014-RamaiahPG #generative- A Sigma-Lognormal Model for Handwritten Text CAPTCHA Generation (CR, RP, VG), pp. 250–255.
CHI-2013-Shirali-ShahrezaPBG #interactive #mobile- SeeSay and HearSay CAPTCHA for mobile interaction (SSS, GP, RB, YG), pp. 2147–2156.
CHI-2012-LazarFBMWHOE #approach #interactive #proving- The SoundsRight CAPTCHA: an improved approach to audio human interaction proofs for blind users (JL, JF, TB, GM, BW, JH, AO, NE), pp. 2267–2276.
CHI-2011-FidasVA #on the- On the necessity of user-friendly CAPTCHA (CF, AGV, NMA), pp. 2623–2626.
HCI-UA-2011-HsuL- Effects of Age Groups and Distortion Types on Text-Based CAPTCHA Tasks (CHH, YLL), pp. 453–455.
SAC-2010-EgeleBKK #web- CAPTCHA smuggling: hijacking web browsing sessions to create CAPTCHA farms (ME, LB, EK, CK), pp. 1865–1870.
CHI-2009-BighamC #interface- Evaluating existing audio CAPTCHAs and an interface optimized for non-visual use (JPB, AC), pp. 1829–1838.
WCRE-2008-HindleGH #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering CAPTCHAs (AH, MWG, RCH), pp. 59–68.
DRR-2006-BentleyM #challenge #problem #string- CAPTCHA challenge strings: problems and improvements (JLB, CLM).
ICPR-v1-2006-Liao #image- A Captcha Mechanism By Exchange Image Blocks (WHL), pp. 1179–1183.
ICPR-v3-2006-WangB06a #challenge #image #string #trade-off- CAPTCHA Challenge Tradeoffs: Familiarity of Strings versus Degradation of Images (SYW, JLB), pp. 164–167.
DRR-2005-BairdB- Implicit CAPTCHAs (HSB, JLB), pp. 191–196.
DRR-2005-BairdR #named #segmentation- ScatterType: a reading CAPTCHA resistant to segmentation attack (HSB, TPR), pp. 197–207.
ICDAR-2005-BairdMW #named- ScatterType: A Legible but Hard-to-Segment CAPTCHA (HSB, MAM, SYW), pp. 935–939.