12 papers:
SAS-2015-Terauchi #effectiveness #heuristic #refinement #verification- Explaining the Effectiveness of Small Refinement Heuristics in Program Verification with CEGAR (TT), pp. 128–144.
CAV-2015-KuwaharaSU0 #abstraction #functional #higher-order #source code #termination- Predicate Abstraction and CEGAR for Disproving Termination of Higher-Order Functional Programs (TK, RS, HU, NK), pp. 287–303.
IFM-2014-MellerGY #behaviour #uml #verification- Verifying Behavioral UML Systems via CEGAR (YM, OG, KY), pp. 139–154.
SAC-2014-Brinke #energy- Interpreting energy profiles with CEGAR (StB), pp. 1221–1222.
CAV-2014-ChatterjeeCD #analysis #probability- CEGAR for Qualitative Analysis of Probabilistic Systems (KC, MC, PD), pp. 473–490.
FASE-2013-BeyerL #model checking- Explicit-State Software Model Checking Based on CEGAR and Interpolation (DB, SL), pp. 146–162.
TACAS-2013-Lowe #analysis #contest- CPAchecker with Explicit-Value Analysis Based on CEGAR and Interpolation — (Competition Contribution) (SL), pp. 610–612.
CAV-2013-ChagantyLNR #learning #relational #smt #using- Combining Relational Learning with SMT Solvers Using CEGAR (ATC, AL, AVN, SKR), pp. 447–462.
VMCAI-2013-PrabhakarDMV #hybrid- Hybrid Automata-Based CEGAR for Rectangular Hybrid Systems (PP, PSD, SM, MV), pp. 48–67.
TACAS-2011-WimmelW #equation #petri net- Applying CEGAR to the Petri Net State Equation (HW, KW), pp. 224–238.
PLDI-2011-KobayashiSU #abstraction #higher-order #model checking- Predicate abstraction and CEGAR for higher-order model checking (NK, RS, HU), pp. 222–233.
CAV-2008-HermannsWZ #probability- Probabilistic CEGAR (HH, BW, LZ), pp. 162–175.