17 papers:
ICML-2015-HanawalSVM- Cheap Bandits (MKH, VS, MV, RM), pp. 2133–2142.
LICS-2015-HackettH #exclamation #source code- Programs for Cheap! (JH, GH), pp. 115–126.
CHI-2014-Smith-ClarkeMC #communication #mobile #network #using- Poverty on the cheap: estimating poverty maps using aggregated mobile communication networks (CSC, AJM, LC), pp. 511–520.
HT-2012-DinhNT #effectiveness #network #question #social- Cheap, easy, and massively effective viral marketing in social networks: truth or fiction? (TND, DTN, MTT), pp. 165–174.
ASPLOS-2010-FengGAM #fault #named #probability #reliability #string- Shoestring: probabilistic soft error reliability on the cheap (SF, SG, AA, SAM), pp. 385–396.
SEFM-2008-HansenG- Cheap and Small Counterexamples (HH, JG), pp. 53–62.
SAC-2006-WolfG #development #named #performance- Good/fast/cheap: contexts, relationships and professional responsibility during software development (MJW, FSG), pp. 261–266.
OSDI-2004-CandeaKFFF #named- Microreboot — A Technique for Cheap Recovery (GC, SK, YF, GF, AF), pp. 31–44.
DAC-2003-El-GamalBBHMOP #implementation #performance- Fast, cheap and under control: the next implementation fabric (AEG, IB, AB, CH, PM, ZOB, LTP), pp. 354–355.
OSDI-2002-CoxMN #named- Pastiche: Making Backup Cheap and Easy (LPC, CDM, BDN), pp. 285–298.
IFL-2001-Faxen- Dynamic Cheap Eagerness (KFF), pp. 105–120.
CAV-2001-LarsenBBFHPR #automaton #performance #reachability- As Cheap as Possible: Efficient Cost-Optimal Reachability for Priced Timed Automata (KGL, GB, EB, AF, TH, PP, JR), pp. 493–505.
ICFP-2000-Faxen #evaluation #functional #lazy evaluation- Cheap eagerness: speculative evaluation in a lazy functional language (KFF), pp. 150–161.
SAC-1999-DavisE #encryption #named #web- Emperor: Cheap Legal Secure Cryptography for the Web (CD, CFE), pp. 603–609.
POPL-1998-CollbergTL- Manufacturing Cheap, Resilient, and Stealthy Opaque Constructs (CSC, CDT, DL), pp. 184–196.
PLILP-1996-HuIT- Cheap Tupling in Calculational Form (ZH, HI, MT), pp. 471–472.
ASPLOS-1987-CargillL #debugging #hardware #profiling- Cheap Hardware Support for Software Debugging and Profiling (TAC, BNL), pp. 82–83.