6 papers:
HPCA-2013-BlemMS #architecture- Power struggles: Revisiting the RISC vs. CISC debate on contemporary ARM and x86 architectures (ERB, JM, KS), pp. 1–12.
HPCA-2006-HuKLS #approach #implementation #performance- An approach for implementing efficient superscalar CISC processors (SH, IK, MHL, JES), pp. 41–52.
PLDI-2001-AppelG- Optimal Spilling for CISC Machines with Few Registers (AWA, LG), pp. 243–253.
ASPLOS-1992-AndrewsS #migration #product line- Migrating a CISC Computer Family onto RISC via Object Code Translation (KA, DS), pp. 213–222.
ASPLOS-1991-BhandarkarC #architecture #hardware #performance- Performance From Architecture: Comparing a RISC and CISC with Similar Hardware Organization (DB, DWC), pp. 310–319.
ASPLOS-1987-BorrielloCDN #case study #prolog- RISCs versus CISCs for Prolog: A Case Study (GB, ARC, PBD, MNN), pp. 136–145.