4 papers:
SEKE-2014-XuL #approach #architecture #automation #synthesis #using- Automated Software Architectural Synthesis using Patterns: A Cooperative Coevolution Approach (YX, PL), pp. 174–180.
SPLC-2014-HellebrandS0ZSS #case study #industrial #modelling #variability- Coevolution of variability models and code: an industrial case study (RH, AS, MB, BZ, KS, JS), pp. 274–283.
SPLC-2013-PassosGTCWB #case study #kernel #linux #modelling #variability- Coevolution of variability models and related artifacts: a case study from the Linux kernel (LTP, JG, LT, KC, AW, PB), pp. 91–100.
ICML-1998-AnglanoGBS #concept #evaluation #learning- An Experimental Evaluation of Coevolutive Concept Learning (CA, AG, GLB, LS), pp. 19–27.