4 papers:
ASPLOS-2012-VasicNMKB #named #resource management- DejaVu: accelerating resource allocation in virtualized environments (NV, DMN, SM, DK, RB), pp. 423–436.
CSCW-2010-GilbertK #comprehension- Understanding deja reviewers (EG, KK), pp. 225–228.
SIGMOD-2009-DindarGLOST #declarative #named #pattern matching- DejaVu: declarative pattern matching over live and archived streams of events (ND, BG, PL, AÖ, MS, NT), pp. 1023–1026.
SOSP-2007-LaadanBPPN #named- DejaView: a personal virtual computer recorder (OL, RAB, DBP, SP, JN), pp. 279–292.