23 papers:
CHI-2015-GanglbauerFG #what #why- Why and what did we throw out?: Probing on Reflection through the Food Waste Diary (EG, GF, FG), pp. 1105–1114.
CHI-2015-JokelaOO #multi #process- A Diary Study on Combining Multiple Information Devices in Everyday Activities and Tasks (TJ, JO, TO), pp. 3903–3912.
CHI-2015-YouWHCLHWHC #dependence #named- SoberDiary: A Phone-based Support System for Assisting Recovery from Alcohol Dependence (CWY, KCW, MCH, YCC, CLL, PSH, HCW, PH, HHC), pp. 3839–3848.
DHM-EH-2015-GronliGS #mobile #visual notation- A Mobile Visual Diary for Personal Pain Management (TMG, GG, FS), pp. 435–440.
HCI-DE-2015-SchutzSO #using- Using Diary Studies to Evaluate Railway Dispatching Software (IS, AS, AO), pp. 248–258.
DUXU-DP-2014-SpillersA #experience #health #mobile #motivation #social #user interface- Does Social User Experience Improve Motivation for Runners? — A Diary Study Comparing Mobile Health Applications (FS, SA), pp. 358–369.
CHI-2013-GouveiaK- Footprint tracker: supporting diary studies with lifelogging (RG, EK), pp. 2921–2930.
CSCW-2012-MarkBPMAA- Blogs as a collective war diary (GM, MB, LP, JHM, BAA, KMA), pp. 37–46.
CHI-2011-HayashiH- A diary study of password usage in daily life (EH, JIH), pp. 2627–2630.
DUXU-v1-2011-SampanesSRW #mobile- Photo Diaries — A Peek into a Mobile Worker’s Life (ACS, MS, LRH, BKW), pp. 640–647.
SIGMOD-2008-KhoussainovaWBBCLLRSW- A demonstration of Cascadia through a digital diary application (NK, EW, MB, GB, GC, JL, YL, CR, DS, JW), pp. 1319–1322.
CHI-2008-SohnLGH #mobile- A diary study of mobile information needs (TS, KAL, WGG, JDH), pp. 433–442.
CASE-2007-ArsandVH #health #mobile #people #self #usability- Usability of a Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Diabetes: the Easy Health Diary (EÅ, RV, GH), pp. 863–868.
HCI-IDU-2007-Go #design- A Scenario-Based Design Method with Photo Diaries and Photo Essays (KG), pp. 88–97.
CHI-2005-CarterM- When participants do the capturing: the role of media in diary studies (SC, JM), pp. 899–908.
CHI-2004-CzerwinskiHW- A diary study of task switching and interruptions (MC, EH, SW), pp. 175–182.
CSCW-2004-NardiSG #people #process #question #social- Blogging as social activity, or, would you let 900 million people read your diary? (BAN, DJS, MG), pp. 222–231.
CSCW-2002-PalenS #mobile- Voice-mail diary studies for naturalistic data capture under mobile conditions (LP, MCS), pp. 87–95.
CHI-2000-BrownSO- A diary study of information capture in working life (BATB, AS, KO), pp. 438–445.
CHI-1998-AdlerGHOS #design- A Diary Study of Work-Related Reading: Design Implications for Digital Reading Devices (AA, AG, BLH, KO, AS), pp. 241–248.
CSCW-1998-KovalainenRA- Diaries at Work (MK, MR, EA), pp. 49–58.
HCI-ACS-1993-CarayonH- A Diary Study of Computer Use and Worker Stress: Preliminary Results (PC, CH), pp. 715–720.
INTERCHI-1993-Rieman #research- The diary study: a workplace-oriented research tool to guide laboratory efforts (JR), pp. 321–326.