8 papers:
SAC-2012-ZhongGHCW #memory management- Affinity-aware DMA buffer management for reducing off-chip memory access (QZ, XG, TH, XC, KW), pp. 1588–1593.
PPoPP-2011-DonaldsonKR #analysis #automation #named- SCRATCH: a tool for automatic analysis of dma races (AFD, DK, PR), pp. 311–312.
HPCA-2010-TangBHC #architecture #cpu #performance #using- DMA cache: Using on-chip storage to architecturally separate I/O data from CPU data for improving I/O performance (DT, YB, WH, MC), pp. 1–12.
HPCA-2010-VujicGCRMA #on the fly- DMA++: on the fly data realignment for on-chip memories (NV, MG, FC, AR, XM, EA), pp. 1–12.
HPCA-2006-PandeyJZB #energy #memory management- DMA-aware memory energy management (VP, WJ, YZ, RB), pp. 133–144.
HPCA-1997-MarkatosK #kernel #operating system- User-Level DMA without Operating System Kernel Modification (EPM, MK), pp. 322–331.
HPCA-1996-BlumrichDFL #interface #network- Protected, User-Level DMA for the SHRIMP Network Interface (MAB, CD, EWF, KL), pp. 154–165.
LCT-RTS-1995-HuangL #concurrent #execution #predict #worst-case- Predicting the Worst-Case Execution Time of the Concurrent Execution of Instructions and Cycle-Stealing DMA I/O Operations (TYH, JWSL), pp. 1–6.