4 papers:
KDIR-2012-Zamora-MartinezRPT #empirical #network- Some Empirical Evaluations of a Temperature Forecasting Module based on Artificial Neural Networks for a Domotic Home Environment (FZM, PR, JP, DT), pp. 206–211.
SEKE-2009-HamouiHUV #component #specification- Specification of a Component-based Domotic System to Support User-defined Scenarios (FH, MH, CU, SV), pp. 597–602.
CASE-2008-Mainardi #design #interface- Design of a portable touchscreen interface for powerline domotic systems (EM), pp. 680–684.
SAC-2006-PellegrinoBC- Domotic house gateway (PP, DB, FC), pp. 1915–1920.