6 papers:
ML-1992-EtzioniM #why- Why EBL Produces Overly-Specific Knowledge: A Critique of the PRODIGY Approaches (OE, SM), pp. 137–143.
ML-1992-PerezE #named #problem- DYNAMIC: A New Role for Training Problems in EBL (MAP, OE), pp. 367–372.
ML-1992-SubramanianH #algorithm #design- Measuring Utility and the Design of Provably Good EBL Algorithms (DS, SH), pp. 426–425.
ML-1989-Greiner #analysis #formal method #towards- Towards a Formal Analysis of EBL (RG), pp. 450–453.
ML-1989-Mahadevan #problem #using- Using Determinations in EBL: A Solution to the incomplete Theory Problem (SM), pp. 320–325.
ML-1989-Shavlik #analysis #empirical #learning- An Empirical Analysis of EBL Approaches for Learning Plan Schemata (JWS), pp. 183–187.