7 papers:
CSCW-2014-PineM #logic #problem- Institutional logics of the EMR and the problem of “perfect” but inaccurate accounts (KHP, MM), pp. 283–294.
ICPR-2014-LiRPV #modelling #topic #using- Regularizing Topic Discovery in EMRs with Side Information by Using Hierarchical Bayesian Models (CL, SR, DQP, SV), pp. 1307–1312.
CSCW-2013-ParkPC #design #documentation #locality #named- Local-universality: designing EMR to support localized informal documentation practices (SYP, KP, YC), pp. 55–66.
CHI-2012-ParkC12a #adaptation #deployment #design #learning- Adaptation as design: learning from an EMR deployment study (SYP, YC), pp. 2097–2106.
SEKE-2012-RakaLM #approach #generative #modelling #product line- Interoperable EMR Message Generation: A Model-Driven Software Product Line Approach (DR, SHL, MM), pp. 537–540.
CHI-2010-Chen- Documenting transitional information in EMR (YC), pp. 1787–1796.
HCI-VAD-2009-PhillipsG #fault- Developing a Nomenclature for EMR Errors (WP, YG), pp. 587–596.