5 papers:
- CHI-2014-PasqualW #predict #using
- Mouse pointing endpoint prediction using kinematic template matching (PTP, JOW), pp. 743–752.
- SAC-2014-MehdiIHKDS #keyword
- Utilizing domain-specific keywords for discovering public SPARQL endpoints: a life-sciences use-case (MM, AI, AH, YK, SD, RS), pp. 333–335.
- PPoPP-2014-LuoLHKP #hybrid #manycore #programming #runtime
- Initial study of multi-endpoint runtime for MPI+OpenMP hybrid programming model on multi-core systems (ML, XL, KH, KCK, DKP), pp. 395–396.
- CHI-2011-WobbrockSJ #design #empirical #metric #modelling #throughput
- The effects of task dimensionality, endpoint deviation, throughput calculation, and experiment design on pointing measures and models (JOW, KS, AJ), pp. 1639–1648.
- CHI-2007-LankCR #predict #using
- Endpoint prediction using motion kinematics (EL, YCNC, JR), pp. 637–646.