14 papers:
ICPR-2014-HuynhCM #3d #constraints #geometry #using #video- Aerial Implicit 3D Video Stabilization Using Epipolar Geometry Constraint (LH, JC, GGM), pp. 3487–3492.
ICPR-2010-GaschlerBH #3d #re-engineering- Epipolar-Based Stereo Tracking Without Explicit 3D Reconstruction (AG, DB, GDH), pp. 1755–1758.
ICPR-2008-FusielloI- Quasi-Euclidean uncalibrated epipolar rectification (AF, LI), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-PalanderB #geometry- Epipolar geometry and log-polar transform in wide baseline stereo matching (KP, SSB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-v4-2006-PerdochMC #geometry- Epipolar Geometry from Two Correspondences (MP, JM, OC), pp. 215–219.
ICPR-v1-2004-ChumWM #constraints #estimation #geometry- Epipolar Geometry Estimation via RANSAC Benefits from the Oriented Epipolar Constraint (OC, TW, JM), pp. 112–115.
ICPR-v4-2004-SchindlerB #geometry #image- The Epipolar Geometry of the Log-Polar Image Plane (KS, HB), pp. 40–43.
ICPR-v3-2002-ArmangueAS #constraints #difference #estimation #mobile- Differential Epipolar Constraint in Mobile Robot Egomotion Estimation (XA, HA, JS), pp. 599–602.
ICPR-v1-2000-Jahn #parallel- Parallel Epipolar Stereo Matching (HJ), pp. 1402–1405.
ICPR-v1-2000-MartinezT #geometry- Epipolar Geometry from the Deformation of an Active Contour (EM, CT), pp. 1534–1537.
ICPR-v3-2000-BaumelaARB #difference #equation #estimation #using- Motion Estimation Using the Differential Epipolar Equation (LB, LdA, IDR, PB), pp. 3848–3851.
ICPR-1998-KurataFS #geometry- Affine epipolar geometry via factorization method (TK, JF, KS), pp. 862–866.
ICPR-1996-XuT #geometry #multi #segmentation- Correspondence and segmentation of multiple rigid motions via epipolar geometry (GX, ST), pp. 213–217.
ICPR-1996-Zhang #geometry #image #lens #on the- On the epipolar geometry between two images with lens distortion (ZZ), pp. 407–411.