7 papers:
CSCW-2015-MaYFD #design #feedback #online- Exiting the Design Studio: Leveraging Online Participants for Early-Stage Design Feedback (XM, LY, JLF, SPD), pp. 676–685.
DATE-2007-NooriMMIG #adaptation #generative #interactive #multi- Interactive presentation: Generating and executing multi-exit custom instructions for an adaptive extensible processor (HN, FM, KM, KI, MG), pp. 325–330.
SAS-2003-ChenLG #multi- Code Compaction of Matching Single-Entry Multiple-Exit Regions (WKC, BL, RG), pp. 401–417.
ASE-1998-MillerM- ASSISTing Exit Decisions in Software Inspection (JM, FM), pp. 281–284.
LOPSTR-1994-BoulangerB #analysis #logic programming #program transformation #using- Using Call/Exit Analysis for Logic Program Transformation (DB, MB), pp. 36–50.
VDM-1978-Jones78a #continuation #goto #semantics- Denotational Semantics of GOTO: An Exit Formulation and Its Relation to Continuations (CBJ), pp. 278–304.
ICALP-1974-Lomet #automation #generative #multi #parsing- Automatic Generation of Multiple Exit Parsing Subroutines (DBL), pp. 214–231.