7 papers:
CSCW-2014-LingelR #quote #tool support- “It’s in your spinal cord, it’s in your fingertips”: practices of tools and craft in building software (JL, TR), pp. 295–304.
ICPR-2014-YuSZ #artificial reality #detection #image #realtime #sequence- Real Time Fingertip Detection with Kinect Depth Image Sequences (YY, YS, YZ), pp. 550–555.
CHI-2013-SuCWLCC #named #visual notation- NailDisplay: bringing an always available visual display to fingertips (CHS, LWC, CTW, RHL, KYC, BYC), pp. 1461–1464.
HCI-III-2013-YangZZJXW #detection #multi #realtime #using- Depth Camera Based Real-Time Fingertip Detection Using Multi-view Projection (WY, ZZ, XZ, LJ, CX, PW), pp. 254–261.
ICPR-2008-GalballyCLMF #generative- Fake fingertip generation from a minutiae template (JG, RC, AL, DM, JFA), pp. 1–4.
ITiCSE-1996-Adams #education- Teaching with technology at my fingertips (ESA), p. 229.
HCI-CE-1987-Gopher #approach #design- Cognition at Your Fingertips: A Cognitive Approach to the Design of Data Entry Devices (DG), pp. 233–240.