19 papers:
ECIR-2014-MonizJ #analysis #sentiment- Sentiment Analysis and the Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Firm Earnings (AM, FdJ), pp. 519–527.
ICEIS-v1-2013-ChiuFW #analysis #collaboration #integration #performance #social- An Analysis of Supply Chain Collaboration and Its Impact on Firm Performance — An Integration of Social Capital, Justice, and Technology Use (MLC, CYF, ILW), pp. 5–12.
DATE-2012-GoossensKAG #realtime- Memory-map selection for firm real-time SDRAM controllers (SG, TK, BA, KG), pp. 828–831.
CSCW-2011-Johri #communication #distributed #email #exclamation #tool support- Look ma, no email!: blogs and IRC as primary and preferred communication tools in a distributed firm (AJ), pp. 305–308.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-DascaluDPV #assessment #performance #project management- The Impact of Competences Assessment Systems to Firm Performance — Study on Project Management e-Assessment (MID, CD, DP, BV), pp. 59–64.
CASE-2008-BellurNB #clustering- Cost sharing mechanisms for business clusters with strategic firms (AB, YN, SB), pp. 1001–1006.
HIMI-MTT-2007-LehtoPPL #analysis- Text Analysis of Consumer Reviews: The Case of Virtual Travel Firms (XL, JKP, OP, MRL), pp. 490–499.
ESEC-FSE-2007-El-SheikhT #bibliography #development #web- A survey of web engineering practice in small Jordanian web development firms (AES, HT), pp. 481–490.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-MartinelliSS #using- E-Procurement Adoption among Italian Firms by Using Domain Names (MM, IS, MS), pp. 124–131.
ICEIS-2002-CostaA- Evaluating EMS Value — The Case of a Small Accountancy Firm (CJC, PA), pp. 460–466.
ICEIS-2002-Lopez #using- Strategic Position of Firms in Terms of Client’s Needs Using Linguistic and Numerical Information through a New Model of SOFM (RFL), pp. 382–390.
ICEIS-v1-2001-HengP #resource management- Domain Knowledge as Corporate Resource of Financial Firms (MSHH, SCAP), pp. 69–74.
ICEIS-v2-2001-PetersH- Introducing Common Systems in International Financial Firms (SCAP, MSHH), pp. 859–863.
ICEIS-2000-Vaast #how #question #why- Exploring Intranets: Why and How to Study Intranets in French Firms? (EV), pp. 499–505.
VLDB-1998-GeorgeH #database #realtime- Secure Buffering in Firm Real-Time Database Systems (BG, JRH), pp. 464–475.
DAC-1997-LiemCSPJGLFB #case study #development #embedded #multi- Am Embedded System Case Study: The Firm Ware Development Environment for a Multimedia Audio Processor (CL, MC, MS, PGP, AAJ, JMG, JL, XF, LB), pp. 780–785.
SIGMOD-1997-GeorgeH #database #realtime #transaction- Secure Transaction Processing in Firm Real-Time Database Systems (BG, JRH), pp. 462–473.
VLDB-1995-GoyalHSS #concurrent #database #realtime- Index Concurrency Control in Firm Real-Time Database Systems (BG, JRH, SS, VS), pp. 146–157.
HT-1989-YoderW #hypermedia #using- Using Hypertext in a Law Firm (EAY, TCW), pp. 159–167.