10 papers:
ICALP-v2-2014-Parter #hybrid- Bypassing Erdős’ Girth Conjecture: Hybrid Stretch and Sourcewise Spanners (MP), pp. 608–619.
ICML-c2-2014-HeinemannG #modelling #visual notation- Inferning with High Girth Graphical Models (UH, AG), pp. 1260–1268.
ICALP-v1-2012-DinitzKR #approximate #scalability- Label Cover Instances with Large Girth and the Hardness of Approximating Basic k-Spanner (MD, GK, RR), pp. 290–301.
ICALP-v2-2012-PelegRT #algorithm #distributed #network- Distributed Algorithms for Network Diameter and Girth (DP, LR, ET), pp. 660–672.
ICALP-v1-2009-WeimannY #graph- Computing the Girth of a Planar Graph in O(n logn) Time (OW, RY), pp. 764–773.
ICALP-A-2008-ChierichettiV #graph- The Local Nature of List Colorings for Graphs of High Girth (FC, AV), pp. 320–332.
STOC-2003-Hayes #graph- Randomly coloring graphs of girth at least five (TPH), pp. 269–278.
STOC-2002-LinialMN- Girth and euclidean distortion (NL, AM, AN), pp. 705–711.
STOC-2002-Molloy #graph- The Glauber dynamics on colourings of a graph with high girth and maximum degree (MM), pp. 91–98.
ICALP-2000-Djidjev #graph- Computing the Girth of a Planar Graph (HD), pp. 821–831.