4 papers:
PLDI-2011-GarciaJLT #manycore #named- Kremlin: rethinking and rebooting gprof for the multicore age (SG, DJ, CML, MBT), pp. 458–469.
PPoPP-2011-JeonGLVT #named #parallel- Kremlin: like gprof, but for parallelization (DJ, SG, CML, SKV, MBT), pp. 293–294.
SCC-1982-GrahamKM #execution #graph #named #profiling- gprof: a Call Graph Execution Profiler (SLG, PBK, MKM), pp. 120–126.
Best-of-PLDI-1982-GrahamKM #execution #graph #named #profiling- gprof: a call graph execution profiler (with retrospective) (SLG, PBK, MKM), pp. 49–57.