12 papers:
DAC-2011-Nieberg- Gridless pin access in detailed routing (TN), pp. 170–175.
DAC-2010-LinL #graph- Double patterning lithography aware gridless detailed routing with innovative conflict graph (YHL, YLL), pp. 398–403.
DAC-2006-ChenCCCH #novel- Novel full-chip gridless routing considering double-via insertion (HYC, MFC, YWC, LC, BH), pp. 755–760.
EDTC-1997-TsengS #multi #standard #using- A gridless multi-layer router for standard cell circuits using CTM cells (HPT, CS), pp. 319–326.
DAC-1990-GidwaniS #named- MISER: An Integrated Three Layer Gridless Channel Router and Compactor (RAG, NAS), pp. 698–703.
DAC-1990-SatoKO #hardware #implementation #memory management- A Hardware Implementation of Gridless Routing Based on Content Addressable Memory (MS, KK, TO), pp. 646–649.
DAC-1990-SchieleKJK #design #industrial- A Gridless Router for Industrial Design Rules (WLS, TK, KMJ, FHK), pp. 626–631.
DAC-1987-NaclerieMN- Via Minimization for Gridless Layouts (NJN, SM, KN), pp. 159–165.
DAC-1987-Ng #design- A “gridless” Variable-Width Channel Router for Marco Cell Design (CHN), pp. 633–636.
DAC-1987-Polkl- A Three-Layer Gridless Channel Router with Compaction (DBP), pp. 146–151.
DAC-1985-FinchMBS- A method for gridless routing of printed circuit boards (ACF, KJM, GJB, GS), pp. 509–515.
DAC-1980-Lauther #data type- A data structure for gridless routing (UL), pp. 603–609.