6 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-WangXLCH #grid #migration #smarttech- QMapper for Smart Grid: Migrating SQL-based Application to Hive (YW, YX, YL, JC, SH), pp. 647–658.
SIGMOD-2014-HuaiCGHHOPYL0- Major technical advancements in apache hive (YH, AC, AG, GH, ENH, OO, JP, YY, RL, XZ), pp. 1235–1246.
VLDB-2014-LiuHRLJWCL #effectiveness #grid #multi #smarttech- DGFIndex for Smart Grid: Enhancing Hive with a Cost-Effective Multidimensional Range Index (YL, SH, TR, WL, HAJ, KW, JC, JL), pp. 1496–1507.
VLDB-2009-ThusooSJSCALWM #framework #named- Hive — A Warehousing Solution Over a Map-Reduce Framework (AT, JSS, NJ, ZS, PC, SA, HL, PW, RM), pp. 1626–1629.
CHI-2009-MorrisonOPLJRNJ #artificial reality #case study #comparative #mobile- Like bees around the hive: a comparative study of a mobile augmented reality map (AM, AO, PP, SL, GJ, GR, JN, AJ), pp. 1889–1898.
SOSP-1995-ChapinRDLTG #fault #multi #named- Hive: Fault Containment for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors (JC, MR, SD, TL, DT, AG), pp. 12–25.