4 papers:
HCI-MIIE-2011-KimPCJ #clustering #effectiveness #traversal- The Effective IVIS Menu and Control Type of an Instrumental Gauge Cluster and Steering Wheel Remote Control with a Menu Traversal (SMK, JP, JC, ESJ), pp. 401–410.
HIMI-v1-2011-ZhouDHY #industrial #interface #tool support- A Human Interface Toolkit for Developing Operation Support System of Complex Industrial Systems with IVI-COM Technology (YZ, YD, XH, HY), pp. 82–89.
OSDI-2002-MuthitacharoenMGC #file system #named #peer-to-peer- Ivy: A Read/Write Peer-to-Peer File System (AM, RM, TMG, BC), pp. 31–44.
CADE-2000-McCuneS- System Description: IVY (WM, OS), pp. 401–405.