Tag #traversal
79 papers:
PLDI-2019-SakkaSN0 #fine-grained- Sound, fine-grained traversal fusion for heterogeneous trees (LS, KS, RRN, MK0), pp. 830–844.
- ICFP-2018-KissPW
- Generic deriving of generic traversals (CK, MP, NW), p. 30.
ECOOP-2018-BellP #lightweight #named- CROCHET: Checkpoint and Rollback via Lightweight Heap Traversal on Stock JVMs (JB0, LP), p. 31.
OOPSLA-2017-SakkaS0 #framework #named #recursion- TreeFuser: a framework for analyzing and fusing general recursive tree traversals (LS, KS, MK0), p. 30.
- ICSE-2017-PadhyeS #detection #dynamic analysis #named
- Travioli: a dynamic analysis for detecting data-structure traversals (RP, KS), pp. 473–483.
GPCE-2017-Perard-GayotWMS #abstraction #algorithm #named #performance- RaTrace: simple and efficient abstractions for BVH ray traversal algorithms (APG, MW, RM, PS, RL, SH), pp. 157–168.
ICPR-2016-FengLXYM #network- Face hallucination by deep traversal network (ZXF, JHL, XX, DY, LM), pp. 3276–3281.
CC-2016-RajbhandariKKPR #on the #recursion- On fusing recursive traversals of K-d trees (SR, JK, SK, LNP, FR, RJH, PS), pp. 152–162.
FASE-2016-CarlosST #query #repository #scalability- Two-Step Transformation of Model Traversal EOL Queries for Large CDO Repositories (XDC, GS, ST), pp. 141–157.
PEPM-2015-BahrA #graph- Generalising Tree Traversals to DAGs: Exploiting Sharing without the Pain (PB, EA), pp. 27–38.
PLDI-2015-OlivoDL #debugging #detection #performance #static analysis- Static detection of asymptotic performance bugs in collection traversals (OO, ID, CL), pp. 369–378.
VLDB-2015-ThenKCHPK0V14 #graph #multi #performance- The More the Merrier: Efficient Multi-Source Graph Traversal (MT, MK, FC, TAHV, KP, AK, TN, HTV), pp. 449–460.
SIGMOD-2013-Hartig #execution #linked data #named #open data #query #web- SQUIN: a traversal based query execution system for the web of linked data (OH), pp. 1081–1084.
Haskell-2013-BirdGMVS #comprehension- Understanding idiomatic traversals backwards and forwards (RSB, JG, SM, JV, TS), pp. 25–36.
LDTA-J-2009-LammelTK #fault #programming #source code- Programming errors in traversal programs over structured data (RL, SJT, MK), pp. 1770–1808.
CGO-2013-YanTZYS #algorithm #fine-grained #graph #named #parallel- Vlock: Lock virtualization mechanism for exploiting fine-grained parallelism in graph traversal algorithms (JY, GT, XZ, EY, NS), p. 10.
HT-2012-HartigF #execution #linked data #open data #query- Foundations of traversal based query execution over linked data (OH, JCF), pp. 43–52.
KDIR-2012-TakesK #network- The Difficulty of Path Traversal in Information Networks (FWT, WAK), pp. 138–144.
OOPSLA-2012-JoK #automation #locality- Automatically enhancing locality for tree traversals with traversal splicing (YJ, MK), pp. 355–374.
PEPM-2012-MatsudaIN #cumulative #multi #polynomial- Polynomial-time inverse computation for accumulative functions with multiple data traversals (KM, KI, KN), pp. 5–14.
PPoPP-2012-MerrillGG #gpu #graph #scalability- Scalable GPU graph traversal (DM, MG, ASG), pp. 117–128.
HCI-MIIE-2011-KimPCJ #clustering #effectiveness- The Effective IVIS Menu and Control Type of an Instrumental Gauge Cluster and Steering Wheel Remote Control with a Menu Traversal (SMK, JP, JC, ESJ), pp. 401–410.
OOPSLA-2011-JoK #locality #recursion- Enhancing locality for recursive traversals of recursive structures (YJ, MK), pp. 463–482.
ASE-2011-ParizekL #identification- Identifying future field accesses in exhaustive state space traversal (PP, OL), pp. 93–102.
ICPR-2010-CordellaSMS #graph #order- Writing Order Recovery from Off-Line Handwriting by Graph Traversal (LPC, CDS, AM, AS), pp. 1896–1899.
SAC-2010-ParizekY #component #interactive #using- Extraction of component-environment interaction model using state space traversal (PP, NY), pp. 2203–2210.
MoDELS-2009-AschauerDP #modelling #representation #scalability- Representation and Traversal of Large Clabject Models (TA, GD, WP), pp. 17–31.
MoDELS-2009-AschauerDP #modelling #representation #scalability- Representation and Traversal of Large Clabject Models (TA, GD, WP), pp. 17–31.
PPDP-2009-KaiserL #higher-order- An Isabelle/HOL-based model of stratego-like traversal strategies (MK, RL), pp. 93–104.
LDTA-2008-LammelTK09 #fault #programming #source code- Programming Errors in Traversal Programs Over Structured Data (RL, SJT, MK), pp. 135–153.
SIGIR-2008-WangYLCZM #crawling #web- Exploring traversal strategy for web forum crawling (YW, JMY, WL, RC, LZ, WYM), pp. 459–466.
HT-2007-DoerrDD #behaviour #web- Simplifying web traversals by recognizing behavior patterns (CD, DvD, AD), pp. 105–114.
HT-2007-FarzanCFBS #adaptation #named #social- ASSIST: adaptive social support for information space traversal (RF, MC, JF, PB, BS), pp. 199–208.
SAC-2007-GooneratneTH #algorithm #graph #using #verification #web #web service- Verification of web service descriptions using graph-based traversal algorithms (NG, ZT, JH), pp. 1385–1392.
PDP-2007-GalletRV #algorithm #communication #complexity #scheduling- Scheduling Communication Requests Traversing a Switch: Complexity and Algorithms (MG, YR, FV), pp. 39–46.
ECOOP-2006-IbrahimC #architecture #automation #persistent #profiling- Automatic Prefetching by Traversal Profiling in Object Persistence Architectures (AI, WRC), pp. 50–73.
DATE-2006-MatulaM #algorithm #float #formal method #generative #performance #standard #verification- A formal model and efficient traversal algorithm for generating testbenches for verification of IEEE standard floating point division (DWM, LDM), pp. 1134–1138.
KDD-2005-ZaianeE - Pattern lattice traversal by selective jumps (ORZ, MEH), pp. 729–735.
HPDC-2005-SonAL #named #on-demand- CODO: firewall traversal by cooperative on-demand opening (SCS, BA, ML), pp. 233–242.
ICALP-2003-MatiasP #performance- Efficient Pebbling for List Traversal Synopses (YM, EP), pp. 918–928.
LDTA-J-2001-KuipersV #object-oriented- Object-oriented tree traversal with JJForester (TK, JV), pp. 59–87.
DATE-2003-CabodiNQ #approximate #bound #model checking #satisfiability- Improving SAT-Based Bounded Model Checking by Means of BDD-Based Approximate Traversals (GC, SN, SQ), pp. 10898–10905.
DATE-2003-PastorP #concurrent #simulation #verification- Combining Simulation and Guided Traversal for the Verification of Concurrent Systems (EP, MAP), pp. 11158–11159.
PADL-2002-LammelV #combinator- Typed Combinators for Generic Traversal (RL, JV), pp. 137–154.
CAV-2002-CabodiNQ #verification- Mixing Forward and Backward Traversals in Guided-Prioritized BDD-Based Verification (GC, SN, SQ), pp. 471–484.
RTA-2001-LevyV #equation #unification- Context Unification and Traversal Equations (JL, MV), pp. 169–184.
OOPSLA-2001-Visser #visitor- Visitor Combination and Traversal Control (JV), pp. 270–282.
LDTA-2001-KuipersV #object-oriented- Object-oriented Tree Traversal with JJForester (TK, JV), pp. 34–58.
PODS-2000-MorishitaS #metric #statistics- Traversing Itemset Lattice with Statistical Metric Pruning (SM, JS), pp. 226–236.
DAC-2000-HettSB #distance #finite #state machine- Distance driven finite state machine traversal (AH, CS, BB), pp. 39–42.
TACAS-2000-LarssonPY #model checking #on the #problem- On Memory-Block Traversal Problems in Model-Checking Timed-Systems (FL, PP, WY), pp. 127–141.
CAV-2000-FraerKZVF #analysis #performance #reachability #verification- Prioritized Traversal: Efficient Reachability Analysis for Verification and Falsification (RF, GK, BZ, MYV, LF), pp. 389–402.
OOPSLA-1999-OvlingerW #recursion #specification- A Language for Specifying Recursive Traversals of Object Structures (JO, MW), pp. 70–81.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-Taniar #object-oriented #optimisation #query- Optimizing Object-Oriented Collection Join Queries through Path Traversals (DT), pp. 295–304.
PEPM-1999-ChinGK #effectiveness #lazy evaluation #multi #optimisation- Effective Optimization of Multiple Traversals in Lazy Languages (WNC, AHG, SCK), pp. 119–130.
DAC-1999-CabodiCQ #process- Improving Symbolic Traversals by Means of Activity Profiles (GC, PC, SQ), pp. 306–311.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-Taniar #query- Forward vs. Reverse Traversal in Path Expression Query Processing (DT), pp. 127–140.
DATE-1998-Eijk #equivalence- Sequential Equivalence Checking without State Space Traversal (CAJvE), pp. 618–623.
VLDB-1997-HuangJR #optimisation #using- Spatial Joins Using R-trees: Breadth-First Traversal with Global Optimizations (YWH, NJ, EAR), pp. 396–405.
ICFP-1997-HuITT #multi- Tupling Calculation Eliminates Multiple Data Traversals (ZH, HI, MT, AT), pp. 164–175.
DAC-1997-CabodiCLQ #approach #clustering #effectiveness #scalability- Disjunctive Partitioning and Partial Iterative Squaring: An Effective Approach for Symbolic Traversal of Large Circuits (GC, PC, LL, SQ), pp. 728–733.
EDTC-1997-HsiaoRP #generative #testing #using- Sequential circuit test generation using dynamic state traversal (MSH, EMR, JHP), pp. 22–28.
CIKM-1996-Pulido #graph #query #recursion #using- Recursive Query Processing Using Graph Traversal Techniques (EP), pp. 37–44.
CIKM-1994-ChenH #algorithm #graph #linear #source code- An Optimal Graph Traversal Algorithm for Evaluating Linear Binary-Chain Programs (YC, TH), pp. 34–41.
CIKM-1994-ZhaoZ #approach #database #graph #roadmap- Spatial Data Traversal in Road Map Databases: A Graph Indexing Approach (JLZ, AZ), pp. 355–362.
DAC-1994-CabodiCQ - Auxiliary Variables for Extending Symbolic Traversal Techniques to Data Paths (GC, PC, SQ), pp. 289–293.
EDAC-1994-ChoHMPS #algorithm #approximate #automaton #composition- A State Space Decomposition Algorithm for Approximate FSM Traversal (HC, GDH, EM, MP, FS), pp. 137–141.
HT-1993-SaltonA - Selective Text Utilization and Text Traversal (GS, JA), pp. 131–144.
DAC-1993-ChoHMPS #algorithm #approximate #automaton- Algorithms for Approximate FSM Traversal (HC, GDH, EM, BP, FS), pp. 25–30.
DAC-1993-MotoharaHMMKSS #algorithm #matrix #using- A State Traversal Algorithm Using a State Covariance Matrix (AM, TH, MM, HM, KK, YS, SS), pp. 97–101.
DAC-1992-CabodiCCGPR - A New Model for Improving symbolic Product Machine Traversal (GC, PC, FC, SG, PP, MSR), pp. 614–619.
CADE-1992-FegarasSS #combinator- Uniform Traversal Combinators: Definition, Use and Properties (LF, TS, DWS), pp. 148–162.
SIGMOD-1989-LarsonD #recursion- A File Structure Supporting Traversal Recursion (PÅL, VD), pp. 243–252.
STOC-1989-BorodinRT #bound #sequence- Lower Bounds on the Length of Universal Traversal Sequences (AB, WLR, MT), pp. 562–573.
STOC-1988-Istrail #polynomial #sequence- Polynomial Universal Traversing Sequences for Cycles Are Constructible (SI), pp. 491–503.
SIGMOD-1986-RosenthalHDM #approach #recursion- Traversal Recursion: A Practical Approach to Supporting Recursive Applications (AR, SH, UD, FM), pp. 166–176.
ICLP-1986-NilssonT86 - Cyclic Tree Traversal (MN, HT), pp. 593–599.
ICALP-1984-KirschenhoferP #algorithm #analysis #recursion- Recursion Depth Analysis for Special Tree Traversal Algorithms (PK, HP), pp. 303–311.
ICSE-1981-Forman #on the- On the Time Overhead of Counters and Traversal Markers (IRF), pp. 164–169.