Stem lithograph$ (all stems)
4 papers:
- DAC-2012-GuoYSCZ #classification #distance #metric
- Improved tangent space based distance metric for accurate lithographic hotspot classification (JG, FY, SS, CC, XZ), pp. 1173–1178.
- DATE-2011-SreedharK #design #identification #on the #process
- On design of test structures for lithographic process corner identification (AS, SK), pp. 800–805.
- DATE-2011-SreedharK11a #security
- Physically unclonable functions for embeded security based on lithographic variation (AS, SK), pp. 1632–1637.
- DAC-2003-GuptaKSY #off the shelf #tool support
- A cost-driven lithographic correction methodology based on off-the-shelf sizing tools (PG, ABK, DS, JY), pp. 16–21.