6 papers:
DUXU-ELAS-2014-VegaAEF #interactive- FX e-Makeup for Muscle Based Interaction (KV, AA, FE, HF), pp. 643–652.
ICPR-2014-MoeiniMAF #2d #3d #image #invariant #modelling #recognition #women- Makeup-Invariant Face Recognition by 3D Face: Modeling and Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform from Women’s 2D Real-World Images (AM, HM, FA, KF), pp. 1710–1715.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HirayamaKK #speech #user interface #visual notation- A Dialog Based Speech User Interface of a Makeup Support System for Visually Impaired Persons (MJH, NK, YK), pp. 261–268.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HondaON #estimation- Estimation of the Facial Impression from Individual Facial Features for Constructing the Makeup Support System (AH, CO, KN), pp. 92–99.
PLOS-2013-TschudinRJLLM #comprehension #linux #search-based- Understanding the genetic makeup of Linux device drivers (PST, LR, LJ, DL, JLL, GM), p. 6.
HCI-VAD-2009-IwabuchiNS #smarttech- Smart Makeup Mirror: Computer-Augmented Mirror to Aid Makeup Application (EI, MN, IS), pp. 495–503.