22 papers:
DATE-2015-BokhariJSHP #adaptation- Malleable NoC: dark silicon inspired adaptable Network-on-Chip (HB, HJ, MS, JH, SP), pp. 1245–1248.
STOC-2015-AggarwalDKO #reduction- Non-malleable Reductions and Applications (DA, YD, TK, MO), pp. 459–468.
HCI-IT-2015-KuribaraST #using- Mouse Augmentation Using a Malleable Mouse Pad (TK, BS, JT), pp. 217–226.
STOC-2014-AggarwalDL #combinator- Non-malleable codes from additive combinatorics (DA, YD, SL), pp. 774–783.
ICALP-v1-2014-MakarychevP #scheduling- Precedence-Constrained Scheduling of Malleable Jobs with Preemption (KM, DP), pp. 823–834.
DAC-2013-AnagnostopoulosTBS #distributed #manycore #resource management #runtime- Distributed run-time resource management for malleable applications on many-core platforms (IA, VT, AB, DS), p. 6.
STOC-2012-Li #design #privacy- Design extractors, non-malleable condensers and privacy amplification (XL), pp. 837–854.
STOC-2011-Goyal #constant #protocol #using- Constant round non-malleable protocols using one way functions (VG), pp. 695–704.
STOC-2011-LinP- Constant-round non-malleable commitments from any one-way function (HL, RP), pp. 705–714.
ICALP-v1-2010-LibertY #encryption #performance- Efficient Completely Non-malleable Public Key Encryption (BL, MY), pp. 127–139.
STOC-2009-DodisW #encryption #symmetry- Non-malleable extractors and symmetric key cryptography from weak secrets (YD, DW), pp. 601–610.
STOC-2009-LinP- Non-malleability amplification (HL, RP), pp. 189–198.
STOC-2009-LinPV #concurrent #framework #security- A unified framework for concurrent security: universal composability from stand-alone non-malleability (HL, RP, MV), pp. 179–188.
ICALP-C-2008-OstrovskyPV #concurrent- Constant-Round Concurrent Non-malleable Zero Knowledge in the Bare Public-Key Model (RO, GP, IV), pp. 548–559.
SAC-2008-PiancastelliBOR #architecture #design #object-oriented #prolog- The architecture and design of a malleable object-oriented prolog engine (GP, AB, AO, AR), pp. 191–197.
SIGMOD-2007-ZhouGBN #query #using- Query relaxation using malleable schemas (XZ, JG, WTB, WN), pp. 545–556.
STOC-2005-PassR #encryption #protocol- New and improved constructions of non-malleable cryptographic protocols (RP, AR), pp. 533–542.
ICALP-2005-Fischlin- Completely Non-malleable Schemes (MF), pp. 779–790.
STOC-2003-DamgardG #reuse- Non-interactive and reusable non-malleable commitment schemes (ID, JG), pp. 426–437.
ICSM-1998-Voas #component #off the shelf #question- Are COTS Products and Component Packaging Killing Software Malleability? (JMV), p. 156–?.
STOC-1998-CrescenzoIO- Non-Interactive and Non-Malleable Commitment (GDC, YI, RO), pp. 141–150.
STOC-1991-DolevDN #encryption- Non-Malleable Cryptography (Extended Abstract) (DD, CD, MN), pp. 542–552.