Stem mcrl$ (all stems)
3 papers:
SAC-2015-Gregorio-Rodriguez #consistency #simulation
- Extending mCRL2 with ready simulation and iocos input-output conformance simulation (CGR, LL, RMT), pp. 1781–1788.
TACAS-2013-CranenGKSVWW #bibliography #tool support
- An Overview of the mCRL2 Toolset and Its Recent Advances (SC, JFG, JJAK, FPMS, EPdV, WW, TACW), pp. 199–213.
SAC-2010-KokashKV #composition #design #verification
- Data-aware design and verification of service compositions with Reo and mCRL2 (NK, CK, EPdV), pp. 2406–2413.