15 papers:
DUXU-IXD-2015-LucenaMA #evolution #mobile #monitoring #named- MedData: A Mobile Application Designed for Medical Teams to Monitor Clinical Evolution of Inpatient in ICU Context (CAPdL, CRM, BAdA), pp. 672–681.
CHI-2013-ZadowBHBSD #education #interactive #named #simulation- SimMed: combining simulation and interactive tabletops for medical education (UvZ, SB, TH, FB, KS, RD), pp. 1469–1478.
DATE-2012-MillerVG #automation #cyber-physical #mockup #named #testing #using- MEDS: Mockup Electronic Data Sheets for automated testing of cyber-physical systems using digital mockups (BM, FV, TG), pp. 1417–1420.
KDD-2012-OhKPY #network #realtime #semantics- PubMed search and exploration with real-time semantic network construction (JO, TK, SP, HY), pp. 1572–1575.
RecSys-2010-HammerKA #named #recommendation- MED-StyleR: METABO diabetes-lifestyle recommender (SH, JK, EA), pp. 285–288.
CIKM-2009-YuKOKK #feedback #named #retrieval- RefMed: relevance feedback retrieval system fo PubMed (HY, TK, JO, IK, SK), pp. 2099–2100.
ICML-2009-ZhuAX #classification #modelling #named #topic- MedLDA: maximum margin supervised topic models for regression and classification (JZ, AA, EPX), pp. 1257–1264.
SAC-2009-AthenikosHB #framework- A framework of a logic-based question-answering system for the medical domain (LOQAS-Med) (SJA, HH, ADB), pp. 847–851.
SAC-2009-PassitoMM #analysis #network #protocol #using- Analysis of the secure RTP protocol on voice over wireless networks using extended MedQoS (AP, EdSM, EM), pp. 86–87.
CIKM-2008-LuoTYW #information retrieval #named- MedSearch: a specialized search engine for medical information retrieval (GL, CT, HY, XW), pp. 143–152.
SIGIR-2008-LinS #automation #evaluation #how #simulation #towards- How do users find things with PubMed?: towards automatic utility evaluation with user simulations (JJL, MDS), pp. 19–26.
CAiSE-2004-BoydKLMR #data flow #integration #named #semistructured data- AutoMed: A BAV Data Integration System for Heterogeneous Data Sources (MB, SK, CL, PM, NR), pp. 82–97.
ICEIS-2002-ArrudaBL #integration #named #web- MEDIweb: A Mediator-Based Environment for Data Integration on the Web (LSA, CdSB, CAAL), pp. 34–41.
HPDC-1998-ForslundGG #collaboration #corba #java #named- TeleMed: Wide-Area, Secure, Collaborative Object Computing with Java and CORBA for Healthcare (DWF, JEG, EMG), pp. 30–33.
CHI-1997-LaiV #named #recognition #speech- MedSpeak: Report Creation with Continuous Speech Recognition (JL, JV), pp. 431–438.