6 papers:
VLDB-2015-ZhangWYGLZ #in memory #named #throughput- Mega-KV: A Case for GPUs to Maximize the Throughput of In-Memory Key-Value Stores (KZ, KW, YY, LG, RL, XZ), pp. 1226–1237.
SPLC-2012-FloresKC #product line- Mega-scale product line engineering at General Motors (RF, CWK, PCC), pp. 259–268.
OSDI-2012-HanMCR #interface #named #network #programming #scalability- MegaPipe: A New Programming Interface for Scalable Network I/O (SH, SM, BGC, SR), pp. 135–148.
DAC-2003-LackeyZK #design- Designing mega-ASICs in nanogate technologies (DEL, PSZ, JK), pp. 770–775.
SAS-1999-Weise #static analysis- Static Analysis of Mega-Programs (DW), pp. 300–302.
CAiSE-1993-PipraniM #approach #multi #requirements #specification- A Multi-Model Approach for Deriving Requirements Specifications for a Mega-Project (CBP, RBM), pp. 199–220.