10 papers:
CASE-2015-AlhwarinFGKST #image- Improving additive manufacturing by image processing and robotic milling (FA, AF, AG, SK, IS, OT), pp. 924–929.
CASE-2015-NguyenWKLH #geometry #modelling #predict- Predictive models for the geometrical characteristics of channels milled by abrasive waterjet (TDN, JW, NMK, HL, QPH), pp. 1459–1464.
CASE-2015-ZafarKSMJA #health #monitoring #process #using- Tool health monitoring for wood milling process using airborne acoustic emission (TZ, KK, ZS, SM, AJ, UA), pp. 1521–1526.
CASE-2013-FerreiraL #generative #multi #tool support #using- A method for generating tool paths for milling pockets in prismatic parts using multiple tools (JCEF, RAL), pp. 528–533.
VLDB-2013-AkidauBBCHLMMNW #fault tolerance #internet #named- MillWheel: Fault-Tolerant Stream Processing at Internet Scale (TA, AB, KB, SC, JH, RL, SM, DM, PN, SW), pp. 1033–1044.
CASE-2012-ChenZD #fourier #process- Mitigation of chatter instability in milling processes by active fourier series compensation (ZC, HTZ, HD), pp. 167–171.
CASE-2007-YangZL #identification #modelling #performance- Modeling and Identification for High-Speed Milling Machines (JY, DZ, ZL), pp. 346–351.
CASE-2006-ChenLS #case study #process- Study on Active Process Control of Burr Formation in Al-Alloy Milling Process (MC, GL, ZS), pp. 431–436.
KDD-2000-Catlett #data mining #mining #privacy- Among those dark electronic mills: privacy and data mining (invited talk, abstract only) (JC), p. 4.
SAC-1999-SantosD #energy- Constrained GA Applied to Production and Energy Management of a Pulp and Paper Mill (AS, AD), pp. 324–332.