6 papers:
DAC-1998-HilgenstockHONP #multi #video- A Video Signal Processor for MIMD Multiprocessing (JH, KH, JO, DN, PP), pp. 50–55.
HPDC-1996-Chan #clustering #parallel- Task Partitionings for Parallel Triangular Solver on an MIMD Computer (JQ, TKYC), pp. 365–373.
PPoPP-1993-YeungA #experience- Experience with Fine-Grain Synchronization in MIMD Machines for Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (DY, AA), pp. 187–197.
PPoPP-1991-JuC #parallel- Exploitation of APL Data Parallelism on a Shared-memory MIMD Machine (DCJ, WMC), pp. 61–72.
LFP-1988-HudakH- Graphinators and the Duality of SIMD and MIMD (PH, EM), pp. 224–234.
PPEALS-1988-LeeSF #implementation #multi #on the- On the Implementation of Applicative Languages on Shared-Memory, MIMD Multiprocessors (CCL, SKS, JF), pp. 188–197.