25 papers:
FoSSaCS-2015-KieferMW #automaton #multi- Minimisation of Multiplicity Tree Automata (SK, IM, JW), pp. 297–311.
ICALP-v2-2014-KieferW #automaton #complexity #probability- Stability and Complexity of Minimising Probabilistic Automata (SK, BW), pp. 268–279.
VMCAI-2013-DehnertKP #bisimulation #markov #modelling #smt- SMT-Based Bisimulation Minimisation of Markov Models (CD, JPK, DP), pp. 28–47.
DATE-2011-MistryAFH #power management- Sub-clock power-gating technique for minimising leakage power during active mode (JNM, BMAH, DF, SH), pp. 106–111.
AFL-2011-MalettiQ #automaton #finite- Hyper-minimisation of deterministic weighted finite automata over semifields (AM, DQ), pp. 285–299.
KDD-2011-LathiaC #mining- Mining mobility data to minimise travellers’ spending on public transport (NL, LC), pp. 1181–1189.
CIAA-2010-AlmeidaMR #automaton #incremental- Incremental DFA Minimisation (MA, NM, RR), pp. 39–48.
ICPR-2010-MochizukiKISI #energy- An Iterative Method for Superresolution of Optical Flow Derived by Energy Minimisation (YM, YK, AI, TS, TI), pp. 2270–2273.
ICPR-2010-SattiGCP #adaptation #human-computer #interface- A Covariate Shift Minimisation Method to Alleviate Non-stationarity Effects for an Adaptive Brain-Computer Interface (ARS, CG, DC, GP), pp. 105–108.
SAT-2010-Ehlers #automaton #satisfiability #using- Minimising Deterministic Büchi Automata Precisely Using SAT Solving (RE), pp. 326–332.
LCTES-2008-BachirTC- Post-pass periodic register allocation to minimise loop unrolling degree (MB, SAAT, AC), pp. 141–150.
TACAS-2007-KatoenKZJ #bisimulation #model checking #probability- Bisimulation Minimisation Mostly Speeds Up Probabilistic Model Checking (JPK, TK, ISZ, DNJ), pp. 87–101.
CIAA-2007-HogbergMM #automaton #bisimulation- Backward and Forward Bisimulation Minimisation of Tree Automata (JH, AM, JM), pp. 109–121.
DLT-2007-HogbergMM #automaton #bisimulation- Bisimulation Minimisation for Weighted Tree Automata (JH, AM, JM), pp. 229–241.
HCI-IPT-2007-BeehareeS- Minimising Pedestrian Navigational Ambiguities Through Geoannotation and Temporal Tagging (AKB, AS), pp. 748–757.
ICPR-v2-2006-SaragihG #bound #fault- Iterative Error Bound Minimisation for AAM Alignment (JS, RG), pp. 1192–1195.
DAC-2005-GeilenBS #data flow #graph #model checking #requirements- Minimising buffer requirements of synchronous dataflow graphs with model checking (MG, TB, SS), pp. 819–824.
ICPR-v4-2004-LeungALS #approach #energy #re-engineering- An Energy Minimisation Approach to Stereo-Temporal Dense Reconstruction (CL, BA, BCL, CS), pp. 72–75.
FATES-2004-KapoorB #mutation testing #testing- Ordering Mutants to Minimise Test Effort in Mutation Testing (KK, JPB), pp. 195–209.
CIKM-2002-WibowoW #categorisation #fault #web- Strategies for minimising errors in hierarchical web categorisation (WW, HEW), pp. 525–531.
WIA-1999-AmilhastreJV #finite #heuristic- FA Minimisation Heuristics for a Class of Finite Languages (JA, PJ, MCV), pp. 1–12.
ITiCSE-1998-Richardson #information management #learning #optimisation- First year information systems papers — optimising learning — minimising administration (poster) (ASR), p. 301.
DAC-1997-AdeLP #data flow #graph #memory management- Data Memory Minimisation for Synchronous Data Flow Graphs Emulated on DSP-FPGA Targets (MA, RL, JAP), pp. 64–69.
ICPR-1996-GunnN #bound #energy #using- Snake head boundary extraction using global and local energy minimisation (SRG, MSN), pp. 581–585.
CAV-1992-BoualiS #bisimulation- Symbolic Bisimulation Minimisation (AB, RdS), pp. 96–108.