10 papers:
TestCom-FATES-2009-BorodayPU #implementation #testing- Implementing MSC Tests with Quiescence Observation (SB, AP, AU), pp. 49–65.
SAC-2007-PaliwalAB #distributed #using #verification #web #web service- Web service orchestration and verification using MSC and CP nets (AVP, NRA, CB), pp. 1693–1694.
TACAS-2006-BolligKSS #named #specification- MSCan — A Tool for Analyzing MSC Specifications (BB, CK, MS, VS), pp. 455–458.
FASE-2005-MooijGR- Non-local Choice and Beyond: Intricacies of MSC Choice Nodes (AJM, NG, JR), pp. 273–288.
TestCom-2004-NeukirchenDG #communication #realtime #requirements #testing #using- Communication Patterns for Expressing Real-Time Requirements Using MSC and Their Application to Testing (HN, ZRD, JG), pp. 144–159.
TACAS-2003-UchitelCKM #behaviour #named #tool support #using- LTSA-MSC: Tool Support for Behaviour Model Elaboration Using Implied Scenarios (SU, RC, JK, JM), pp. 597–601.
FoSSaCS-2002-BolligLN- Generalised Regular MSC Languages (BB, ML, TN), pp. 52–66.
FoSSaCS-2002-LohreyM #bound #communication- Bounded MSC Communication (ML, AM), pp. 295–309.
ICALP-2001-AlurEY #graph #verification- Realizability and Verification of MSC Graphs (RA, KE, MY), pp. 797–808.
ICALP-2000-HenriksenMKT #graph #on the #sequence- On Message Sequence Graphs and Finitely Generated Regular MSC Languages (JGH, MM, KNK, PST), pp. 675–686.