10 papers:
ECMFA-2012-GoldschmidtM #domain-specific language #query- An Internal Domain-Specific Language for Constructing OPC UA Queries and Event Filters (TG, WM), pp. 62–73.
DAC-2008-ChenLC #predict- Predictive formulae for OPC with applications to lithography-friendly routing (TCC, GWL, YWC), pp. 510–515.
DAC-2008-ChoYBP #named #performance #predict- ELIAD: efficient lithography aware detailed router with compact post-OPC printability prediction (MC, KY, YB, DZP), pp. 504–509.
DAC-2008-TehHT #framework #integration- Design-process integration for performance-based OPC framework (SHT, CHH, AT), pp. 522–527.
DAC-2007-MalyLM #design- OPC-Free and Minimally Irregular IC Design Style (WM, YWL, MMS), pp. 954–957.
DAC-2006-YuSP #modelling #process- Process variation aware OPC with variational lithography modeling (PY, SXS, DZP), pp. 785–790.
DAC-2005-GuptaKKS #analysis- Advanced Timing Analysis Based on Post-OPC Extraction of Critical Dimensions (PG, ABK, YK, DS), pp. 365–368.
DAC-2005-YangCS #analysis- Advanced timing analysis based on post-OPC extraction of critical dimensions (JY, LC, DS), pp. 359–364.
DAC-2004-HuangW #proximity- Optical proximity correction (OPC): friendly maze routing (LDH, MDFW), pp. 186–191.
DAC-2001-SchellenbergTCS #design #layout- Adoption of OPC and the Impact on Design and Layout (FMS, OT, LC, BS), pp. 89–92.