4 papers:
CHI-2011-KuznetsovDCP #authoring #pipes and filters #quality- Ceci n’est pas une pipe bombe: authoring urban landscapes with air quality sensors (SK, GND, JCC, EP), pp. 2375–2384.
TACAS-2009-LerouxP #named- TaPAS: The Talence Presburger Arithmetic Suite (JL, GP), pp. 182–185.
DAC-1981-OdawaraIIK #automation #named- PAS-LOP: An automatic module location system for PWB (GO, KI, NI, TK), pp. 153–159.
DAC-1981-OdawaraKAK #design #interactive #logic #named- PAS-CIP: An interactive logic design system (GO, SK, HA, YK), pp. 443–450.