13 papers:
DAC-2014-Rutenbar #automation #design #education- The First EDA MOOC: Teaching Design Automation to Planet Earth (RAR), p. 6.
SIGMOD-2014-PangKFF #commit #named #predict- PLANET: making progress with commit processing in unpredictable environments (GP, TK, MJF, AF), pp. 3–14.
CSCW-2014-MugarOHCJ #online- Planet hunters and seafloor explorers: legitimate peripheral participation through practice proxies in online citizen science (GM, CSØ, KDH, KC, CBJ), pp. 109–119.
VLDB-2012-Dietrich #data analysis- Data Analytics Opportunities in a Smarter Planet (BD), p. 1697.
SEKE-2010-Cheng #collaboration #integration #people- Building A Smarter Planet With University Collaboration: Empowering People Through Information Integration (JMC), p. 2.
HT-2009-AcottoBBPPV #float #named- ArsMeteo: artworks and tags floating over the planet art (EA, MB, CB, VP, FP, GV), pp. 331–332.
VLDB-2009-PandaHBB #learning #named #parallel #pipes and filters- PLANET: Massively Parallel Learning of Tree Ensembles with MapReduce (BP, JH, SB, RJB), pp. 1426–1437.
OSDI-2006-PetersonBFM #case study #experience- Experiences Building PlanetLab (LLP, ACB, MEF, SM), pp. 351–366.
CIKM-2004-Hayes #semantics #web- The semantic web: managing knowledge for planet earth (PJH), p. 416.
HPDC-2004-RipeanuBCFM #resource management- Globus and PlanetLab Resource Management Solutions Compared (MR, MB, JSC, ITF, MM), pp. 246–255.
OSDI-2004-ZhangZPPW #internet #monitoring #named- PlanetSeer: Internet Path Failure Monitoring and Characterization in Wide-Area Services (MZ, CZ, VSP, LLP, RYW), pp. 167–182.
HPDC-2003-Cuenca-AcunaPMN #community #information management #named #peer-to-peer #using- PlanetP: Using Gossiping to Build Content Addressable Peer-to-Peer Information Sharing Communities (FMCA, CP, RPM, TDN), pp. 236–249.
HCI-EI-1999-MarcusAFG99a #design #interface #online #transaction- User-Interface Design for Online Transactions: Planet SABRE Air-Travel Booking (AM, JA, VF, EG), pp. 656–660.