12 papers:
ECIR-2015-Peleja #graph #named #sentiment- PopMeter: Linked-Entities in a Sentiment Graph (FP), pp. 785–788.
GPCE-2015-FlorenceFFTKWNY #named #programming language- POP-PL: a patient-oriented prescription programming language (SPF, BF, MF, WHT, TK, DPW, CN, PRY, RBF, SMB), pp. 131–140.
ICPR-2014-AokiFKM #algorithm #architecture #visual notation- KIZUKI Processing for Visual Inspection: A Smart Pattern Pop-Out Algorithm Based on Human Visual Architecture (KA, TF, HK, YM), pp. 2317–2322.
CIKM-2010-CiglanN #detection #named #personalisation #statistics #wiki- WikiPop: personalized event detection system based on Wikipedia page view statistics (MC, KN), pp. 1931–1932.
CIAA-2009-Sastre-Martinez #network #parsing #performance #recursion #using- Efficient Parsing Using Filtered-Popping Recursive Transition Networks (JMSM), pp. 241–244.
AFL-2008-Leupold #how #matter- How to Pop a Deep PDA Matters (PL), pp. 281–291.
AFL-2008-MasopustM #automaton #multi #on the- On Pure Multi-Pushdown Automata that Perform Complete-Pushdown Pops (TM, AM), pp. 325–336.
HCI-IDU-2007-HodgettsJ #cost analysis- Reminders, Alerts and Pop-ups: The Cost of Computer-Initiated Interruptions (HMH, DMJ), pp. 818–826.
HIMI-IIE-2007-TaketaHKN #artificial reality- Virtual Pop-Up Book Based on Augmented Reality (NT, KH, HK, SN), pp. 475–484.
SAC-2007-KoralalageRMGC #approach #lifecycle #privacy #security- POP method: an approach to enhance the security and privacy of RFID systems used in product lifecycle with an anonymous ownership transferring mechanism (KHSSK, MRS, JM, YG, JC), pp. 270–275.
VLDB-2006-KacheHMRE #named #optimisation #query- POP/FED: Progressive Query Optimization for Federated Queries in DB2 (HK, WSH, VM, VR, SE), pp. 1175–1178.
SOSP-1969-Neumann #programming #women- The role of motherhood in the pop art of system programming (PGN), pp. 13–18.