16 papers:
PEPM-2014-Scholz #case study #compilation #experience #partial evaluation- Partial evaluation as universal compiler tool: experiences from the SAC Eco system (SBS), pp. 95–96.
IFL-2013-GrelckW #adaptation #array #functional #generative #performance- Next Generation Asynchronous Adaptive Specialization for Data-Parallel Functional Array Processing in SAC: Accelerating the Availability of Specialized High Performance Code (CG, HW), p. 117.
PEPM-2012-UrecheRSCO #case study #development #domain-specific language #named- StagedSAC: a case study in performance-oriented DSL development (VU, TR, AKS, HC, MO), pp. 73–82.
ICPR-2012-DecrouezDGC- Extracting planar structures efficiently with revisited BetaSAC (MD, RD, FG, JLC), pp. 2100–2103.
CEFP-2011-Grelck #c #performance- Single Assignment C (SAC) High Productivity Meets High Performance (CG), pp. 207–278.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-WatanabeRTT #classification #statistics- Statistical Associative Classification of Mammograms — The SACMiner Method (CYVW, MXR, CTJ, AJMT), pp. 121–128.
ICEIS-J-2010-WatanabeRTT10a #classification #image #named #statistics- SACMiner: A New Classification Method Based on Statistical Association Rules to Mine Medical Images (CYVW, MXR, CTJ, AJMT), pp. 249–263.
IFL-2002-GrelckS- Axis Control in SAC (CG, SBS), pp. 182–198.
SAC-2002-RinePG #re-engineering #theory and practice- ACM SAC2002 software engineering: theory and applications (SETA) track description (DCR, JFP, JPG), pp. 969–970.
SAC-2002-WainwrightR #optimisation- Evolutionary computation and optimization track: SAC 2002 (RLW, GRR), p. 541.
IFL-2000-Grelck #array #effectiveness #layout- Improving Cache Effectiveness through Array Data Layout Manipulation in SAC (CG), pp. 231–248.
IFL-1999-GrelckKS #code generation #multi #on the- On Code Generation for Multi-generator WITH-Loops in SAC (CG, DK, SBS), pp. 77–94.
IFL-1998-Grelck #memory management #multi- Shared Memory Multiprocessor Support for SAC (CG), pp. 38–53.
IFL-1998-Scholz #benchmark #case study #metric- A Case Study: Effects of WITH-Loop-Folding on the NAS Benchmark MG in SAC (SBS), pp. 216–228.
IFL-1997-Scholz #array- WITH-Loop-Folding in SAC — Condensing Consecutive Array Operations (SBS), pp. 72–91.
IFL-1996-Scholz #array #functional #on the #programming- On Programming Scientific Applications in SAC — A Functional Language Extended by a Subsystem for High-Level Array Operations (SBS), pp. 85–104.