6 papers:
CIKM-2014-HassanFVDL0- Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better: Finding Expert Teams by CrewScout (NH, HF, RV, GD, CL, NZ), pp. 2030–2032.
SIGMOD-2012-HansenL #database #named #scalability #towards- ColumbuScout: towards building local search engines over large databases (CH, FL), pp. 617–620.
VLDB-2012-TauheedHSMA #named #query- SCOUT: Prefetching for Latent Feature Following Queries (FT, TH, FS, HM, AA), pp. 1531–1542.
VLDB-2003-NicklasGS #distributed #framework #named- NexusScout: An Advanced Location-Based Application on a Distributed, Open Mediation Platform (DN, MG, TS), pp. 1089–1092.
OSDI-1999-SpatscheckP- Defending Against Denial of Service Attacks in Scout (OS, LLP), pp. 59–72.
CHI-1996-RansonPKRMCSS #agile #physics- Rapid Scout: Bridging the Gulf Between Physical and Virtual Environments (DSR, ESP, DLK, GAR, MLM, JMC, ES, CSS), pp. 442–449.