5 papers:
SOSP-2013-ElphinstoneH #kernel #question #what- From L3 to seL4 what have we learnt in 20 years of L4 microkernels? (KE, GH), pp. 133–150.
ICFP-2009-KleinDE #case study #experience #kernel #verification- Experience report: seL4: formally verifying a high-performance microkernel (GK, PD, KE), pp. 91–96.
SOSP-2009-KleinEHACDEEKNSTW #kernel #named #verification- seL4: formal verification of an OS kernel (GK, KE, GH, JA, DC, PD, DE, KE, RK, MN, TS, HT, SW), pp. 207–220.
SAC-2005-KhuranaSB #email #named- SELS: a secure e-mail list service (HK, AJS, RB), pp. 306–313.
OOPSLA-1993-Stark #object-oriented- Impacts of Object-Oriented Technologies: Seven Years of SEL Studies (MS), pp. 365–373.