5 papers:
- VLDB-2008-MetwallyEAA #correlation #detection #named #using
- SLEUTH: Single-pubLisher attack dEtection Using correlaTion Hunting (AM, FE, DA, AEA), pp. 1217–1228.
- SIGMOD-1997-BohrerBBCFHKKMNRRSUUW #experience #integration #named #semantics
- InfoSleuth: Semantic Integration of Information in Open and Dynamic Environments (Experience Paper) (RJBJ, WB, RSB, AC, JF, AH, VK, TK, GM, MHN, MR, MR, RS, CU, AU, DW), pp. 195–206.
- The InfoSleuth Project (RJBJ, WB, RSB, AC, JF, AH, VK, TK, GM, MHN, MR, MR, RS, CU, AU, DW), pp. 543–545.
- SIGMOD-1995-WoelkBJOTU #database #web
- Carnot and InfoSleuth: Database Technology and the World Wide Web (DW, WB, NJ, KO, CT, CU), pp. 443–444.
- DAC-1976-Hightower #interactive #named
- SLEUTH — a metal-to-metal audit program in an interactive environment (DWH), pp. 318–326.