5 papers:
DAC-2010-SilvaPS #analysis #modelling #parametricity- Speedpath analysis under parametric timing models (LGeS, JRP, LMS), pp. 268–273.
DAC-2010-XieDS- Post-silicon diagnosis of segments of failing speedpaths due to manufacturing variations (LX, AD, KKS), pp. 274–279.
DAC-2009-CallegariWB #analysis #ranking- Speedpath analysis based on hypothesis pruning and ranking (NC, LCW, PB), pp. 346–351.
DAC-2008-BastaniKWC #learning #predict #set- Speedpath prediction based on learning from a small set of examples (PB, KK, LCW, EC), pp. 217–222.
DAC-2007-KillpackKC #feedback #metric- Silicon Speedpath Measurement and Feedback into EDA flows (KK, CVK, EC), pp. 390–395.