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Used together with:
stakehold (4)
network (3)
social (3)
sourc (2)
requir (2)

Stem stake$ (all stems)

5 papers:

ICPRICPR-2014-SuL #detection
High-Stakes Deception Detection Based on Facial Expressions (LS, MDL), pp. 2519–2524.
RERE-2012-Todoran #communication #identification #in the cloud #named #requirements
StakeCloud: Stakeholder requirements communication and resource identification in the cloud (IT), pp. 353–356.
ICSEICSE-2011-LimDF #identification #network #requirements #social #using
StakeSource2.0: using social networks of stakeholders to identify and prioritise requirements (SLL, DD, AF), pp. 1022–1024.
ICSEICSE-2010-LimQF #named #network #scalability #social #using
StakeNet: using social networks to analyse the stakeholders of large-scale software projects (SLL, DQ, AF), pp. 295–304.
ICSEICSE-2010-LimQF10a #analysis #crowdsourcing #named #network #power of #social
StakeSource: harnessing the power of crowdsourcing and social networks in stakeholder analysis (SLL, DQ, AF), pp. 239–242.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.